Upendra Dixit is a Consultant for Navigate International’s Technology and India Practices, based in Phoenix, AZ. He has over 23 years of experience in the high technology electronics and telecommunications industries in a wide range of roles spanning R&D, application support, program management, marketing and sales, product management, and business development. Upendra brings a wealth of experience leading incubation efforts in new and evolving environments.
Prior to joining Navigate, Upendra held various senior management positions at Hewlett-Packard and Agilent Technologies in India and Germany. He has played leading roles in strategic planning and management, global organizational development, and partner and channel management. During his 18 years of tenure at HP and Agilent, Upendra worked with a broad spectrum of end user industries including the telecommunications, aerospace/defence, semiconductors, electronic components, high frequency, and photonic technologies sectors. His contributions include leading a telecommunications business in China during the early 1990s, the expansion of that same business into India following the telecommunications deregulation and globalization during the mid- to late-1990s, and Agilent’s growth in Asia and Japan during the telecom bubble in the early 2000s.
Upendra has an undergraduate degree in Physics from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur and a second undergraduate degree in Electronics & Telecommunications Engineering from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. He received his MBA in International Management from Thunderbird — the Garvin School of International Management with a focus on International Marketing Consulting. Having lived and worked in India, Hong Kong, Germany, and the U.S., Upendra speaks English, German, and a host of Indian languages (Hindi, Bengali, Gujarati, and Kannada). He is a member of Tostmasters International and Beta Gamma Sigma Honor Society, and is a founding member of Sursagar, the renowned organization in Bangalore, India dedicated to the teaching, development and promotion of Indian Classical Music.